
There are 3 registration options available:

You are a user of the services offered by providers who have subscribed to GoBook.
Upon registration, you will be able to make bookings for these services.
There are no costs involved in using this website.

Register as Client.
You are a provider of services and you wish to subscribe to GoBook so that your existing and future clients can use this website to make bookings for your services 24/7 from any web browser.
There is a small fixed monthly fee and a cost for each booking made by your clients.
To find out more, download our Provider Brochure

Register as Provider with Full Access
You are a provider of services and you initially want to use this site just to list details of the services you provide.
You will get your own login to the site and you will be able to maintain your business, contact and login details and the list of services that you offer.
There are no costs involved in using this website for listing purposes only.

Register as Provider for Listing Only.
You wish to advertise your product or service on the GoBook website and app.
You will get your own login to the site and you will be able to maintain your business, contact and login details.
The only costs you will incur will be based on the number of clicks/taps on your ad on the website and in the app.

Register as Provider for Advertising Purposes.